Sip on Summery Sangria by the Pool

Sip on Summery Sangria by the Pool

When the summer sun is shining, there’s nothing quite like sipping on a refreshing glass of Sangria by the pool. This classic Spanish drink is the perfect blend of wine, fruits, and a touch of sweetness. It’s a taste of summer in every sip.


  • 1 bottle of red wine
  • 1/4 cup brandy
  • 1/4 cup orange liqueur
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 orange, sliced
  • 1 lemon, sliced
  • 1 lime, sliced
  • 1 apple, diced
  • 1 cup sparkling water
  • Ice cubes


  1. In a large pitcher, combine the red wine, brandy, orange liqueur, and sugar. Stir until the sugar is dissolved.
  2. Add the sliced orange, lemon, lime, and diced apple to the pitcher.
  3. Refrigerate the Sangria for at least 2 hours to let the flavors meld.
  4. Before serving, add the sparkling water and ice cubes to the pitcher.
  5. Stir gently to combine, and then pour the Sangria into glasses filled with ice.
  6. Garnish with additional fruit slices if desired.

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Yield: 4 servings

Sip on Summery Sangria by the Pool and enjoy the perfect poolside refreshment. This fruity and chilled Sangria is sure to make your summer gatherings even more enjoyable.

Nutrition information: Calories: 180, Carbohydrates: 20g, Protein: 1g, Fat: 0g

Picture yourself lounging by the pool, the sun kissing your skin, and a glass of this delightful Sangria in your hand. It’s a scene straight out of a summer dream. The rich red wine combined with the zesty citrus and the subtle sweetness of the fruits make this Sangria the ultimate summer indulgence.
Whether you’re hosting a poolside party or simply relaxing on a warm afternoon, this Sangria recipe is your ticket to a mini-vacation in a glass. So, gather your friends, put on your favorite summer playlist, and let the good times roll with Sip on Summery Sangria by the Pool.

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